Our Approach

There are 6 areas where you can benefit from working with us, all beginning with the letter C. It is as much about you choosing us, as us selecting you. You can benefit from our experience, avoid our mistakes and hopefully enjoy the ride.


We understand how to develop brands that connect with consumers and win their loyalty.


We know how to manage and harness the power of creativity to serve a commercial agenda.


We can help you structure your business and deals to keep more of the value you create for yourself.


We have been through the different stages of growth, so can help with all decisions you’ll face.


We are happy to lead and/or invest alongside others, meaning you can have everyone you want involved.


You can confide in us, we will always be in your corner so can be your first phone call whenever you need support or advice.


Before we get into the nitty gritty, we only invest in consumer brands because this is what we know, love and where we can help the most. A consumer brand business is where the end user is a consumer and a relationship with them is important. Now we've got that sorted...

We like to say yes to a consumer brand with...

A strong team

  • More than one person, with the right skills to deliver
  • Each person has a track record of making great things happen
  • Honest, open and of the highest integrity

A hot idea

  • A simple, compelling proposition that consumers love (the more evidence the better)
  • Could be a £200m business one day

A positive effect on the world

  • By making people happier, their lives easier or helps them save time

You should also be...

  • Located in Europe
  • At an early stage (seed, series A) or with high growth (late stage)
  • Requiring an investment from us between £500k - £3m, with the ability to follow our money if relevant

Things don't always work

Sadly for the teams and us, not all our investments work out. We know that we can't ever get everything right and neither can founders. Here are some of the great ideas we backed that didn't work out: Sup, HelloCar, Many, Homerun, Hiber, Supercarers, Bulb, Farmdrop, Alva Health


JamJar Management LLP ("JamJar") is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. JamJar is incorporated in England and the registered office is at Phoenix Brewery, 13 Bramley Road, London W10 6SZ, United Kingdom. The investment product and services of JamJar are only available to professional clients and eligible counterparties. This website does not constitute an offer to buy or sell shares in any of the products offered by JamJar.